No, seriously… each one wants you to pay the fee per artwork with no garantie that your artwork will be exhibited. Then they get shit tone of requests (which is reasonable because their newsletter is international) and of course there is not enough space for all 100500 paintings that people applied!

I’m sorry for fussing but it drives me nuts because each year i set myself a small budget to participate in the group shows and because of those Mall Galleries and Royal Art Society or else I’m loosing money and not getting anything for it. Example - I paid £25/per artwork and didn’t get selected - that’s okay… but when I paid £80 to apply 2 artworks into the Royal Academy of Artis for a Summer Exhibition and got nothing back - that was annoying. This year i only entered one because I knew that i shouldn’t spend more than I have whether previously I’d spend credit money on that (thanks God i got smarter ahha).

I don’t know anymore how to event get out there as students of Art universities always are shortlisted to exhibit but the artworks are very simple with no concept behind or something basic, i walked around the art streets of London and saw those galleries where a person can’t even answer the question on who the artist is and yet it’s sold but you don’t know for how much… arrrrrr.

I’ve been grinding so long in this space that I’m ready to give up to be honest. I love making art and doing exhibitions but when the world is set the way that it shuts all the doors and you can’t even get out into public so that your artworks could be seen in real life it’s quite hard to keep going and pay for things that are not worth anything. What the fuck is wrong with this world, honestly… anyway, you get the idea, I didn’t get to the group show at Mall Galleries this year, better luck somewhere else I guess..